What Benefits of joining a running club:
It can be difficult to stay motivated when walking alone Cold winters, Sachin Splints, annoying list … sometimes getting up and going out can be a difficult part. So what about joining a running club? Have you ever thought about it?
Being alone can be awful, especially on a long winter night when you see yourself driving for 10 miles. But who said walking should be annoying? If you join a running club, you will be among people with the same thoughts, who are training for a specific event or can go out for a fun juggle with their friends. You will meet the people of your city, whom you may not have met otherwise, so this is a good opportunity to make friends.
There have been countless times that I set out for a run but only came back a mile or two because it was too cold or I was too tired or my leg was badly injured. But if you are running a club, you have a lot of motivation to move forward You can chat with your on-going friends to keep your mind busy and you can explore new ways, which will be covered at the next point.
New route
When I run, I am always too guilty to go the same way, which can be very annoying after a while. I’m not overly adventurous with my run because I’m never sure where to walk, or if this route will pave the way. I’m definitely not in a hurry to get out to a run place; I always start and end at home But by joining a running club you will be encouraged to try new ways that you may not have dreamed of before. The best part is that you have to try and test the distance beforehand, so you just have to turn it on and run! For the first time, you may feel like walking through a stick or off-road, which is a huge added bonus.